To worship at The feet!
O pour Thy Spirit down
On all that now shall meet!
Teach us to pray, and praise, and hear
And understand Thy Word;
To feel Thy blissful presence near,
And trust our Living Lord.
This house with Grace and glory fill,
This congregation bless:
Thy great salvation now reveal,
They glorious righteousness.
Joseph Hoskins 1745-1788
Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
My plan for the last two months, was to write a blog post and keep people updated with our crazy lives. But, as the verse says, I make plans, but God directs my steps. Instead of blogging, I have been just spending time with my family enjoying the holidays and surviving our chaotic life!! So, since it has been so long since I've blogged, and who really wants to read a bunch of boring details of my life, I'm going to sum up the last few months.
- The last of Shan Chen's physical therapy
- Underground Railroad Field Trip
- Served with the kids at a local homeless program for Thanksgiving
- Celebrated the boy's first Thanksgiving and opened our house to international students (who it was their first Thanksgiving too).
- I traveled to Cincinnati, OH to run a half marathon and spent the day with my sister Sarah
- Had missionary friends over from Copper Island
- More doctor appointments (I don't even want to remember all the appointments we've had this past year).
- Went bowling two times with our co-op group
- Shan Chen had ear surgery to replace and fix his ear drum (which was a success)
- I traveled to Baltimore, MD and ran a half marathon
- Watched the Joffrey Nutcracker ballet with the kids
- Christmas Gala with Wayne for work
- Shan Chen's birthday
- Served with the kids at Feed My Starving Children
- Visited the Science and Industry Museum with the kids to see the Christmas trees from around the world.
- Wayne had heel surgery
- Ice Skating
- Watched the new Star Wars
- I traveled to Kauai with my sister Rachel and enjoyed some much needed rest
- Decorated Christmas cookies, saw Christmas lights, and made many fun memories with the kids.
- Academic testing for two of our kids
- More doctor appointments (8 so far in 2018!!)
- Swim meets for the girls
- Celebrated 19 years of marriage!
- and of course school, church, and lots of cooking!
We have some more exciting things happening in our lives. On Saturday, a 5th grade boy from China will be living with us for two weeks while he attends a winter camp. The school that provides Chinese classes for our kids is hosting a camp for kids from China. They were short a home and asked if we could host a boy for two weeks. So, we decided, what is one more child. HA! I'm actually excited for the boys to have someone to practice their Chinese with each night. He will be attending school during the day, so that will make things a little interesting fitting school in between taking him to school. Never a dull moment in our house.
Underground Railroad Field Trip
Thanksgiving with new friends
Reunited with friends from Copper Island
Shan Chen ready for surgery
Christmas Gala
Christmas trees at MSI
Shan Chen's birthday
Kauai - I loved this weather forecast
Fun bingo with my sister (we won prizes since we were the only 2 playing)
Kauai was beautiful - my favorite island in Hawaii!
Watching the new Star Wars!
Feed My Starving Children
Fun Roman projects - we finished up our lesson on Rome.
Shan Chen's ice cream date.
Swim team!
Ice Skating
Our bodies - our final after studying anatomy for the semester
Final Roman projects: Sophia made a Parthenon out of cookies, DJ made Roman library, Shan Chen made a Roman coliseum, and Naomi made an aqueduct out of clay.
Learning the layers of the earth.
Naomi's birthday date.
19th Anniversary dinner - amazing Middle Eastern food!!