Revelation 7:9-12 "After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no once could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!' All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying: 'Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever. Amen.'"
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to get away for two days with friends from church to see Phil Wickham and Brandon Lake in concert. We stayed at a cute Airbnb in Louisville since we knew the concert would get out late on Saturday night. Last year, I was supposed to see Phil Wickham in Indianapolis, but I was diagnosed with cancer two days before the concert, so I didn't go. A few months ago, I was very excited to discover they were touring together this summer again and it was even closer, in Louisville!
It was an amazing night of worship. Saturday night was the highest amount of tickets sold for a Christian concert at the Yum Center. There were 13,000 people who gathered and worshiped God together. The only disappointing thing was Phil Wickham didn't sing "Hymn of Heaven" like he did last year. That is one of my all time favorite songs. There were a few times that I would stop singing so I could hear the 13,000 people around me singing praises to God. The verses above came to my mind in those moments. What a taste of heaven! (The pictures are at the bottom of this post from the weekend)
Sophia is back from her two weeks in Wisconsin where she trained with the Blue Beret with CAP. She had an amazing time, learned a lot, and had some once in a lifetime experiences.
Sophia received this patch from a 4 star general who was at the air show. My girl never fails to amaze me. The general wanted to encourage her to keep pursuing her dreams.
They enjoyed a free night of fun after serving at the air show.
Sophia is up front in the gear. She was shorter than everyone at the event. If she ever joins the military, they will have to make her custom gear. 🤣
Sophia participated in an honor flight during the air show. This young lady right here also found out the day she flew home from WI that she was selected as a youth ambassador for the honor flight program in KY!! She is so excited for this opportunity.
Sophia had the honor of plane marshaling, ground team work, and various Air Force assigned missions.
Sophia made some great memories and friends.
My plan was to take Sophia hiking, since she is always asking to go hiking, and then I broke my ankle. So, Naomi took her hiking with their friend Madeline. They helped me clean our Airbnb, went hiking, and then their payment for cleaning was to have pizza at Miguel’s.
Paying for pizza in exchange for cleaning the airbnb was totally worth it!!
Micaela and Joella had orientation at school a few days ago. They start school tomorrow and they have mixed feelings. We really liked all their teachers that we met. My view the past few days. Keeping my foot elevated to help with the swelling. The positive of this blasted broken bone is that I was able to get a lot done for my women’s luncheon that I’m speaking at this weekend.
On our trip to Louisville, we were adventurous and tried an Ethiopian restaurant. The food was amazing and full of unique flavors.

We ended up with great seats since I broke my ankle. They had extra handicap seats and they let me sit there so I didn't have to walk down the steep steps!
After we ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant on Saturday, we decided to stop in a Davids Bridal next door to see what they had. I found a dress on the clearance rack that was in Abigail's budget. The dress looked just like her, so we Facetimed her. She loved the dress and drove down Sunday morning to come try on dresses. Abigail and I had planned on doing that next weekend, but we couldn't pass up this dress. Just to make sure she would love the dress, we tried on a few other dresses. She didn't really like them, but when she tried on the one, we all knew. The dress was made just for her and fit her perfect!! She just needs to get it hemmed. I was thrilled that we were able to find her dress at such a steal. It was originally $1800 and we got it for $499!!!
Look at her smile. I wish I could show her face in her dress, but that will be kept secret until December. I can tell you this, it was made for her and God totally provided the most amazing dress for my sweet girl.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for Wayne as he has an appointment tomorrow with his palliative team. He is a little tired and sore today from helping us organize and clean the garage, but he’s getting around like a champ.
- I would appreciate prayers as I have my next immunotherapy appointment this Friday. Unfortunately, I don't have any more veins for them to use in my left arm, so I am down to my right arm. Please pray that my vein holds up so that I don't need a port. Please also pray for my ankle to heal up and for my presentation this weekend at the ladies luncheon.
- Please pray for Abigail as she continues to make wedding plans and that God opens up the married housing for them.
- Pray for Micaela and Joella as they start school tomorrow for the first time in person. Pray that they make friends and adjust to this new schedule.
We are forever grateful to each of you and your faithful prayers for our family!🩷