Harder Family

Harder Family

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Life Action Ministries: Week 1 Update - Grace Harder

The next few weeks amongst finally updating my blog, I will be posting letters from Grace about her experiences with Life Action Ministries. Naomi and I are also working on finalizing her mission update from her recent trip to Ireland, so look for that in the upcoming week as well.

Update 7/31/2022:

Hey everyone! Its officially been a week since I left home and started my journey with Life Action Ministries. Already in a week, God has taught me so much. Our theme for the children’s ministry team this year is “abide.” The word abide means to remain stable or fixed in a state. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5). This is our theme verse for this year. Throughout my first week, I have focused on what abiding in God would look like in my life. I know that coming into this ministry, I was looking at what I could do, and how I would make a difference in these kids' lives. However, this verse has changed my perspective entirely. I understand now that I cannot do anything in ministry by myself. I have learned that I need to abide in God, like a branch that abides in the vine. I need to allow God to do the work through me. A branch cannot grow fruit without being attached to the life source. If I abide in God, he will grow fruit through me, and I will be used as his hands and feet throughout these next few months.

The first week of training flew by. I had the opportunity to sit through and participate in both clubs this week. The first club is happy heart city. happy heart city is for ages 4-7. The other club is Base camp. Base camp is for ages 8-11. It was awesome to see the returning children ministers teach these kids with such patience and love! Aside from helping out in clubs, I have also done a lot of specific training. Learning the ins and outs of children’s ministry is awesome, but it puts into perspective how much work goes into ministering to children. 

I am beyond blessed to have this opportunity to serve God. I have the privilege to meet a lot of amazing people who love God and want to serve Him through their different talents and skills. If you would be in prayer for me as I go through training I would be so incredibly thankful. Please pray that I will continue training with a grateful heart and be able to absorb all the information that is being taught. 

Thank you again for all your love and support throughout this whole journey! I could not be more grateful to each and every one of you! have a wonderful week. 

In Christ, 

Grace Harder

This is the cabin I'm living in with six other girls while we go through training.