James 1:2-4 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
My friend Lindsey shared that verse in her blog post yesterday. It’s hard to imagine that one can be joyful in trials, and yet I have found this true in our lives and I have seen it as I glimpse into other people’s lives, like Lindsey. Please be praying for Lindsey and her family. Her husband’s brain cancer came back again after a 3rd surgery and they are navigating some difficult times.
Watching others suffer and not do well is hard. Although we celebrate Wayne’s health, sometimes it makes us feel guilty. Why are we blessed with answered prayers for healing while others prayers appear to go unanswered? I call it “survivor guilt”. We are not more deserving then others, but somehow, God in His perfect sovereignty has decided He’s not done with Wayne or me yet here on earth.
This past weekend, we were blessed to watch our oldest, Abigail, graduate magma cum laud from Liberty University. She received her bachelor degree in Business Administration: Finance with a minor in accounting and Women’s Ministry. None of us thought Wayne would be here in person to see this momentous occasion. God is so good! Abigail was thrilled to have us there to celebrate with her. The pictures are further down.
Micaela and Joella will be participating in the local summer swim team. We thought this would be a good outlet for them, especially since they both love the water.
I have been working on my to do list, which included painting the guest bathroom and painting sitting in a new toilet. That is the part where Shan
We stayed with my sister in Durham the night before the graduation since hotels were outrageous in Lynchburg. It was wonderful seeing her.
Update: Rebecca
I had another dose of immunotherapy today. So far I’m feeling fine, just tired from a long day. I went from PT to the orthodontist straight to the hospital for blood work and my treatment. Overall, I feel like I am bouncing back nicely after the rough few months of treatment. It is nice to feel tired from being busy doing mom things instead of just being exhausted from cancer treatments. I’m thankful for my health and every day God gives me with my family.
Update: Wayne
Wayne continues to baffle and amaze us. He walked another mile this week at the gym on top of his PT. We noticed today that his speech is improving as well. It is slow, but progress is being made. Only God! As I said earlier in my post, sometimes it is hard to celebrate when others aren’t doing well. Despite the difficulties, Wayne continues to fully trust God and enjoy each day God gives him. Wayne knows from experience that everything can change on a dime.
Prayer Requests:
- Wayne: for continued improvement, especially for his speech.
- Rebecca: pray that my hip fully recovers with PT and that my blood work stays good after my treatment.
- Kids: pray for wisdom for the kids as they each pursue different things (jobs, future directions, etc)
- Please pray for my friend Lindsey and her family as well as Mary, another friend with brain cancer. Both families need our prayers.