Harder Family

Harder Family

Friday, January 12, 2024

Update 1/12/24: Anticipatory Grief

Song of Solomon 6:3 “I am my fully devoted to my beloved, and my beloved is fully devoted to me.”

On Tuesday, Wayne and I celebrated 25 years of marriage. It is wonderful and amazing to be married to my best friend. 

We celebrated with dinner at Malones.

With the joy of celebrating this milestone, there have been gut wrenching times knowing this will probably be our last anniversary. Anticipatory grief is weird. It hits at odd moments. Last night was one of those moments. One minute we are laughing and the next I am crying because I know how much I will miss laughing with my best friend. Who will understand our inside jokes? We have literally grown up together and almost all my core memories involve him. So here are some pictures that represent our lives together the last 25 years!

Right before we officially started dating (19&21)

20&22…married almost a year after first seeing him. We have a fun story! 

2003: family growing 

2004: pregnant with Grace

2005: Kevin’s wedding 

2006: Naomi

2007: Sophia joins the family 

2009: 10 year anniversary 

30th birthday 

2010: pregnant with Micaela 

2010: Christmas 

2012: pregnant with Joella



Wayne’s surprise birthday 


2017: family grew again



20th Anniversary 




Wayne Update: Wayne is about the same. We met with the palliative team and will keep them for now so that Wayne can keep having therapy. Technically, Wayne could do hospice, but we will hold off for now. He did get his cast off. His foot isn’t healed, but they said the foot will continue to heal in the boot. 

Rebecca Update: I just finished my immunotherapy infusion!! I also just found out I will start radiation this Tuesday. Lots of trips to Lexington in my future.

Prayer Requests:

- Please just pray for our family as we navigate everything going on in our lives.

- Pray for safety for Abigail and Naomi as they travel the next few days.


  1. PRAYING FOR YOU dear Rebecca and family! <3 Love in Christ, Susan and Eric <3
