Harder Family

Harder Family

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Compassionate & Caring

Joel 2:13 "Now return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness And relenting of evil."

I don't know why I act surprised when God does amazing things in my life. God intimately knows me and cares for me. The one who created the world with a spoken word and the one who holds the universe in the span of His hand, He cares about what is on my heart and mind. How comforting is that? I have to share an amazing story with you. Really it is a testimony to how intimately God cares for His children.

As you know, we are hosting Piano Man this summer. God provided an inexpensive bunk bed for us on craigslist and I was able to find matching quilts at Target two months ago on clearance. As I was setting up the room, I told Wayne that I would love to paint the room blue. Wayne reminded me that it was tax busy season and that there really wasn't time to accomplish this task before P-Man gets here. I understood and thought that we could make the best of the room the color that it was (pale yellow). It wasn't too girly. Deep down, I still really wanted to paint the room blue. I wanted the room to be "perfect" when our social worker came to visit our house (which is happening this Friday). 

Two weeks ago, our next door neighbor, who happens to be a painter, was talking to Wayne and told him that he had some blue paint (two gallons worth). He wanted to know if Wayne wanted the paint. Wayne looked at me and smiled. He said, "Yes, we'll take the paint." 

We had dinner at a friend's house the next weekend. He happens to be a painter who has painted different rooms in our house. We mentioned to him that we'd love to have him come paint the room for us. He said that he might be able to get to it in June. I was a little bummed thinking that our social worker was coming in a week. But, I figured all in God's timing. 

On Wednesday of last week, I texted him to get some dates when he would be available, since we will be gone on our mission trip. He told me that he actually had an opening Monday (4/25) to paint the room. I was so excited. God was orchestrating everything and answering the deep desires of my heart. Gary came and painted P-man's room. The color is perfect and the room looks amazing. I couldn't have asked for anything better!!

Sometimes it may feel like God isn't there and that He doesn't care, but I have seen time and time again when God does little things to show me that He cares. This is an amazing testimony to the compassionate and caring God that we serve!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way for God to show you He has His hand in every thing. I love to see how God works!!
