*Christmas Letter* (in case you missed our Christmas Letter)
Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. We get to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and also share gifts with those around us. The best gift we can give anyone is ourselves, just as Jesus Christ did for us. God has been so good to us and has blessed us with so much, how could we not share our abundance with others?
We are so blessed to have a special gift with us this Christmas. Our host child, "Parker", arrived last night from China. Already in the first 24 hours, we have been blessed by his presence. He is an incredible boy that deserves a family to call his own!!!
As many of you know, we are in the process of adopting two boys from China. We decided to host Parker for the winter hosting program while we are waiting for our paperwork to be completed. We are praying that an amazing family steps up and decides to adopt this incredible boy.
Parker is "on the clock". What I mean by that is that he is close to the age where China will no longer allow him to be adopted (age of 14). Parker is 12 years old and his birthday is in April. That means that Parker has 16 month to have a family pick him up from China, otherwise he will never have a family. He will never have a mom, a dad, any siblings, have extended family to spend the holidays with, someone to give him advice and help him transition to adulthood, and eventually, he will be on his own to survive in China (which is very difficult with an orphan background).
This amazing boy deserves a FAMILY!! He deserves to be loved and cherished. He is a GIFT!! While he is here with us over the next month, I'll be sharing pictures and stories about Parker. Please pray about what role you could play in Parker's life or another orphan's life. There are so many children waiting to be someone's son or daughter. What better gift could you give a child this Christmas then a FAMILY?? Take a leap of FAITH and see God move powerfully!!
Parker has done a great job with all the girls. He has been all smiles since he got off the plane and has no trouble acting like an older brother to them.
This boy can eat. First breakfast (at 5:20am was 3 eggs, 6 dumplings), then a second breakfast (a bowl of hot cereal), followed by a fruit smoothie for snack, and rice & 10 potstickers for lunch!!
Thankful for an unfinished basement for the kids to ride their rollerblades around. Parker is a gold medal winner for skating in the special olympics!!
Excited about his new shoes!!
Look at that smile!! Could this be YOUR son??
For more information: contact Shannon Smith at Great Wall Adoptions: (512)323-9595 or shannon@gwca.org
Also, check out this information from a couple years ago: https://waitingchildinfo.com/2004/04/01/parker/
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