Harder Family

Harder Family

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Holiday Hosting: Days 2-5

Psalm 118:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."

WOW! That is all I can say about Parker. This kid continues to amaze us! I cannot believe that this boy has been waiting 12 years for a family. He has transitioned nicely into our American culture and home. His favorite thing to do is roller blade in the basement and play monster tag with the girls. He has done great adjusting to going everywhere with us, including Costco. He politely asked if we could buy a huge bag of onions and garlic. I guess like DJ, this boy likes onion and garlic sandwiches!! 

On Friday we made sugar cookies as a family. Parker really enjoyed rolling out his cookies and decorating them. He didn't seem to mind eating them either.

On Sunday we discovered even more about Parker. During church, Parker took notes by writing down the verses we were studying at church. Then while we were singing songs in church, I heard him start singing...in English!! After church, we were talking with my friend Ting Ting, who speaks fluent Mandarin. She told me that he told her that he has taken four years of English. He can't speak a lot of English, but he can read enough to participate and sing in English. Through this conversation, we also discovered that he LOVES school. I loved hearing that news because the girls need to do school while he is here with us. Now I know that I can give him school work and he will enjoy it.

Today we had some friends over to do an art class. We studied three French artists (Monet, Cezanne, and Seurat), listened to Claude Debussy classical music, and ate crepes for lunch. Parker did art with us and even wrote notes!! His neat handwriting puts all my girl's handwriting to shame. 

Parker's masterpiece

Parker is an amazing boy that wants and needs a family. 16 months is all he has left before he is forever an orphan. Could he be your son?? If you would like more information about Parker, please contact Meredith Chambers at Great Wall Adoption: 512-323-9595 or meredith@gwca.org

If you are interested in meeting Parker while he is in the United States, you can email Meredith to find out how we can set up a time. Parker is staying in Chicago until 1/13. 

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