Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
We are just a few short weeks away from our sweet Abigail graduating from high school. I remember my grandma telling me that time is a weird thing. It will feel long some days, but then you will see how quickly time passes. Although it doesn't feel like just yesterday I had Abigail, it sure doesn't seem long enough for her to be almost turning 18 and graduating from high school! To celebrate these two huge events in her life, I'm dedicating a whole blog post to her.
Abigail can only be described as a sweet, compassionate young lady. She loves Jesus and loves others passionately. Abigail is quick to offer to assist the family and help at church. She loves studying God's Word and is quick to help others who want to learn more about Him. Abigail spent the last few months allowing God to refine her even further while attending Celebrate Recovery. Abigail reminds me a lot of myself at her age. She is a passionate debater about things that matter to her and she will talk your ear off. Abigail is a joy to be around, but like her mother, she isn't very adventurous. Abigail would rather read a book than white water raft down a river. Abigail also loves books! Never dog tag or bend the covers of her books! She has her books organized on her shelves by color (she recently changed this from her alphabetical listing and before that it was by author). For a long time she thought that she would be a librarian, but she has decided that is not the path for her.
Abigail spent her entire senior year taking dual-enrollment classes at Liberty University. She has maintained straight As in all her classes. After much prayer, Abigail has decided that she is going to finish pursuing her degree at Liberty University. She is going to study Business Administration with the goal of working at a mission organization in their business department. She feels this is how God is calling her. We are praying now over how God will provide the finances for her. We are excited to see how God is going to use her in the future. We are so blessed that she is our daughter!
What a fun walk through all the beautiful photos!