Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Our crazy rollercoaster ride continues. We are enjoying finally all being home together. This morning, Naomi and Sophia arrived from Chicago. It seems like the older the kids get, the crazier our schedules get. Between the kid's work and their trips, it is hard to keep track of everyone. I think that we will have about two weeks together this summer. Abigail leaves tomorrow for a wedding in California, Naomi leaves for camp at the end of June, Sophia leaves for Hawk Mountain July 6th, and then Grace heads back to Michigan to serve at Life Action again on July 9th. Time seriously flies too quickly with kids.
The rollercoaster doesn't just apply to our kid's crazy schedules, but to Wayne's health. Yesterday, Wayne felt really well and did amazing at church and enjoyed his Father's Day. Today, Wayne woke up feeling weak and fatigued. We are hoping that he just did too much yesterday and wore himself out. I teased him at church that he was showing off for everyone. It was definitely one of his better days lately, but today we are paying for it. We struggle to make plans since we never know from day to day how Wayne will be feeling. We are just praying that the ups and downs will get better over time. We continue to wean Wayne off of his steroids. Tomorrow he will be down to 5mg from the 8mg he was on over a week ago.
There is never a dull moment in our house. On Friday afternoon, Wayne and I took Micaela to the orthodontist. While we were gone, our dog, Bo, managed to get his paws on a container of brownies. He consumed 44 brownies!! When we walked in the door, he marched right into his crate. I looked over and saw brownie crumbs and an empty container. I made a call to find out what to do, since dogs should not eat chocolate. I had to make him a concoction to drink to make him throw up. Poor thing was upset with me, but I was trying to save his life. He is finally feeling better this afternoon. This wasn't his first misfortune with food, and I'm sure it won't be his last. He never learns!
Micaela and Joella are enjoying being back home. They have spent hours in the pool and have enjoyed local events, like the mobile book library. Wayne and I have enjoyed many hours on our deck reading in the beautiful weather. I was even brave enough to have Shan drive me today for his driving practice. Since everyone was used to doing their own thing, we had to have a family meeting and come up with a "motivational plan" for getting our chores done around the house.
Prayer Requests:
- Please continue to pray for Wayne as he weans off of steroids and for his body to get stronger.
- Please pray for our kids as they all travel around.
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