Harder Family

Harder Family

Friday, June 28, 2024

Update 6/27/24: Wait for the Lord

Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord.”

As someone who likes to have a plan, waiting on the Lord can be difficult. Many times I want to say, please just let me know if this can or will happen. Trusting and waiting are things God has to constantly teach me.

I never thought cancer would be part of my journey here on earth. I figured when Wayne was diagnosed, we checked that box off our “well crap, I didn’t expect that!” The unknown with my future with cancer and Wayne’s unknown life expectancy, since he has exceeded all estimates, leaves us living a little in limbo.

I am studying the book of Ruth for an upcoming class I will be leading. It struck me that Naomi had this plan…go back to Bethlehem and leave Moab behind. She was going to leave the only family she had left, her daughter in laws, back in Moab so they could hopefully marry and have a better life. We know that this time was hard on Naomi because she wanted everyone to call her Mara, which means bitter. She was bitter about all that happened to her. I could go on and on, but the beautiful thing about the story is that God had a better plan than she could have ever imagined. Ruth, her daughter in law, travels home to Bethlehem with Naomi and helps take care of her. It is also during this time that Boaz comes onto the scene. We see God's amazing hand provide in a way neither of them could have imagined. 

God has been using this study to remind me that I may have plans, but He has even better plans for me and I just need to trust Him! How about you, do you struggle with this or is it just me? It’s hard when life feel out of control. We don’t know what next week, month, or even day looks like in our family. It’s hard to make plans because of this, which is hard on my planning personality.

Update Wayne: he continues to do amazing. He walks a mile 2-3 days a week, along with his PT, OT, and speech. I’m so thankful that God has given us all this extra time with him!

Rebecca Update: I’m feeling really good. I’m currently at the hospital for my oncology follow up, blood work (which they said looks amazing), and immunotherapy. I have felt so well, I was able to go on two 4 mile hikes this week. Being out in nature and exercising are two of my favorite things! I can tell when I walk through the doors of the cancer center that my mind starts to worry and ponder so many things. So thank you for hanging in there with my mental pondering and processing. 

Naomi’s friends came to visit and be here for her graduation party.

Two of Naomi’s best friends from Chicago surprised her! The joy they all brought her made my day.

We loved having friends from Chicago at our house. Bryan and Tracy are super special to us 

Buddies enjoying Father’s Day together 

Chicago friends at Buccees 

So many fun memories!

Joella and friends 

My bestie in China! 🩷

Packing for encampment = huge mess

Back to juicing! Fresh veggies from my garden.

Off to encampment. It was Micaela’s first time and Sophia and Shan served as staff. We pick them up tomorrow.

We celebrated Joella’s 12th birthday at Joella’s Hot Chicken.

Hike with my Taiwanese family. We hiked Natural Bridge. It was a beautiful morning! We finished the day eating lunch with them. They made a five course meal.

Juyi and Jason

Thank you for continuing to walk along side our family in prayer! We are so thankful for each of you. 

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