Harder Family

Harder Family

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Update 6/4/24: Special Trip

Psalm 104:24-25 “How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number-living things both large and small.”

After Abigail’s graduation in May from Liberty, we met up with Wayne’s sister and her family in South Carolina near Hilton Head at Palmetto Bluff. We only stayed a couple days, but it was a magical time with family. We made many core memories on the trip. I’m sad that Grace and Naomi couldn’t join us, but that is adult/working life for you. 

God provided an amazing deal for us to be able to experience the “rich life”. If you are ever in the area and are looking for an over the top experience, go stay at the Montage! My niece and nephew work at one in California. They think of every little detail…including the most comfortable beds I’ve ever slept in! 

View from our room!

Wayne getting some walking in.

Wayne and his sister Karen

The resort had bikes available for us to ride during our stay. We took a few bike rides and also used them to get around the vast resort grounds.

We all wanted to ride bikes, but didn’t want to leave Wayne out. We were able to get a golf cart for him. Sophia was going to drive him, but Wayne hopped in the drivers seat and didn’t want to leave. He had a huge smile as he had “his freedom” again. 

They had a huge tree house with a great view

Micaela learned how to ride a bike without using her hands!

We took an amazing boat ride on Mother's Day. We saw dolphins and enjoyed learning more about the area.

Joella is actually asleep here. The boat ride put her to sleep. 

We learned how to play bocce ball. It was fun crushing Shan for once!

What vacation is complete without ice cream?

The resort had nightly s’mores available for free. One night it poured, dominated, they had a candy bar! Jars of candy that they filled a baggie.

We both couldn’t get enough of the bikes. I miss having bike trails to ride on!


We saw many alligators, dolphins, a stingray, tons of birds, and a shark! The few days with family and being in God's creation was amazing. We could celebrate life feeling a little more normal. I will update with another post in just a few days. I had to photo dump our trip in just one post. 

Thank you for continuing to pray for us!!!

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