Harder Family

Harder Family

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Update 12/18/24: Highs and Lows

Psalm 6:6 “I am weary with my sighing; every night I make my bed swim, I dissolve my couch with my tears.”

Psalm 13:1-2 “How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart all the day?”

A lot has transpired since I last posted two weeks ago. There have been some amazing moments, like seeing Wayne walk Abigail down the aisle, and then there have been some really hard days. 

On Thursday, December 5th, I had my follow up CT scan. Never a fun way to start your day drinking readi-cat. Unfortunately, after my test, my body succumbed to a cold the family had. Thankfully, I was able to kick it quickly since we had a lot to do for the wedding.  

With the wedding coming up, we knew Shan’s birthday would be overlooked, so we decided to throw him a surprise party. We managed to keep it a surprise! He loved eating Chinese food and spending time with his friends. I cannot believe my sweet boy is 18!!!

Monday I spent the day tying silverware and finishing some projects for the wedding. 

Shan and the other kids were a huge help with setting up for the wedding. We spent many hours at the church last week preparing for the big day. 

On Monday night, December 9th, I received my CT scan results. Unfortunately, they found a 12x11mm nodule in my right lung. When I read the news, it felt like my world was falling in around me. I initially started googling things it could be, but as I was searching, I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to trust and have faith. I reached out to a few trusted friends to pray for me, because I knew this was going to be difficult. 

I spent the next day, which happened to be rainy, moping on the couch. I felt defeated and let down by God at the thought that my cancer could be back. Finally, around 3, I decided that I needed to pour out my heart to God and give it all to Him. I spent some time lamenting before God. It didn’t make all the fears go away, but it was a good reset for my heart and mind. It was time to refocus on Abigail’s wedding. Wayne and I decided that we would not tell the kids until after I met with the pulmonologist so that there would be no distractions from the wedding. 

That morning I had shared what was going on with a sweet friend from church while we were at the gym. She invited Wayne and I to dinner that night. She was having some other friends over from church. The evening was such an encouragement because our friends prayed over us. It was nice to have a distraction from the news that weighed heavy on my mind. 

On Wednesday, we went to work on setting up the church. We were blessed to have quite a few people help us with the wedding (decorating, serving food, preparing food, cleaning). Thank you to all of you who helped make all of this possible. 

Elijah’s family was a huge help with the final wedding decorations. We couldn’t have done it without them. We love our growing family.

We were blessed to have so many family and friends come to town for the wedding. Wayne’s sister and niece flew in from CA. Gloria, who has known us before we had kids, flew in from Chicago. A bus load of friends from Chicago headed south to come to the wedding as well. 

Gloria was a huge blessing. She helped me prepare potato soup for the wedding. 

Wedding rehearsal:

Friends reunited!

Full house! We loved every moment of fellowship with these amazing friends. 

Wedding Day Preparations:

Shan was a HUGE blessing. At 8:30am the day of the wedding, I discovered that Wayne had thrown his white button down shirt away dying the summer. 👀 Shan drove Wayne to the store to get a shirt and then helped dress him for the wedding since I was already at the church. Thankfully, that was the only “emergency” we had for the wedding.

Wedding: Just a few pictures before we get them all. We will also post the video when I receive it. 

St Paul’s Bible Church family from Chicago

All the guys!

Elijah’s family🩷

Praying over the groom!

Post-wedding fellowship. 

Gloria is a super special lady. We loved having  her here with us. We need more people in this world like her. 

These two are two of my bonus daughters!!

My favorite infusion nurse attended the wedding too!

Update Wayne: We are all so thankful that Wayne was here for Abigail’s wedding. He did a great job walking her up the aisle…all that walking around the track has helped him. He is still working hard at his therapy each week. 

Update Rebecca: I had my pulmonologist appointment yesterday, Tuesday. We are scheduling a biopsy sometime after Christmas. He did mention that it could be an infection or something else, which we are praying for. Because of my cancer last year, we have to rule that out. That is why I chose to go ahead and proceed with the biopsy. Please pray with us that it isn't anything serious. Please also pray for our kids as they process all of this.

PFT test yesterday at the pulmonologist. I’m still exhausted from the wedding prep the past few weeks. I think it will take a few more days to recuperate.

** Prayer Requests **

- Rebecca’s biopsy. Please storm Heaven with us that this is nothing serious and that God will continue to surround us with His peace.

- Rebecca’s dad’s biopsy on Friday (spot on his face)

- Travel safety for Elijah and Abigail on their trip home from Florida this weekend.

- Naomi’s upcoming trip overseas 

- Our kids

**Thank you for praying for all of us. We are so thankful for each one of you! 

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