1 John 5:14-15 "And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him."
Today we had an early morning MRI at Northwestern. After the MRI, we had about an hour before the appointment with the oncologist. Wayne and I decided to take a walk along Lake Michigan. It was a beautiful day! It was wonderful to be alone and talk. We talked about God, life, the girls, and changes in our lives. If you have kids, you know how precious this time is as a couple to just catch up and share openly without having to worry about little "ears" hearing your conversation.
After our brief walk, we headed back to Northwestern for Wayne's oncology appointment. During the appointment, the doctor told us that Wayne's MRI looked the same as last month. He said there is a spot that was there last time that appears to be from radiation, but that everything is stable. He assured Wayne that they are watching everything closely. Praise the Lord for another clear scan!! Two months ago they told us the scan was champagne worthy, so I'm assuming today is good of news too!!
Sometimes though when you receive good news, you later receive bad news that puts life in perspective. Wayne received a call from a client from work. She asked him to be pray for a little boy named Jonah who goes to her church. Jonah is four years old, the same age as our little Micaela. Jonah's parents lives got turned upside down about a week ago. They are now part of the nightmare club called "it's a brain tumor". Jonah has been diagnosed with some form of aggressive pediatric brain cancer that is in his lower brain, brain stem, and spine. They did emergency surgery at Lurie Children's Hospital right after they discovered the tumors. Currently, this little boy is in a coma. I am asking all of you to go before God's throne with me and lift not only Jonah up to Him, but also his family. I can't imagine seeing your little child go through brain surgery and then see their little body laying in a huge hospital bed with all the tubes and machines running. Four years old...too young to be going through this. Four years old...he probably hasn't learned how to ride a bike, read, etc.
Perspective...this is a great reminder that life is short and that there is no guarantee for any of us. I doubt Jonah's family thought sitting in camp a week ago that they were about to enter this nightmare. When Wayne left for work on February 11th, none of us expected the wild and crazy journey that we were about to start. Life is short...every moment we live should be for God's glory. We were created for a purpose. Let's live our lives fulfilling that purpose!!
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
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