Isaiah 40:26 "Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing."
We had a great week last week. The weather in Chicago has been unseasonably warm. We took advantage of this weather and had PE outside three days last week. We have a park about 0.5 miles from our house that we enjoy visiting. While the girls play at the park, I enjoy walking the path at the park. We were all able to get in exercise and it felt amazing to be out in the fresh air. While walking at the park, my friend Susan and I ran across this snake. Signs of an early spring are everywhere!!
Last week Micaela was studying the letter P. Whenever we study the letter P, we always make pink pancakes. The girls were all excited about breakfast that morning! Micaela enjoyed flipping pancakes with me. We did lots of fun crafts and projects about penguins. This week we are going to be studying the letter K (for kangaroo). Micaela is very excited about this week since she loves kangaroos.
We decided to take Friday off and visit friends. Since we aren't doing Classical Conversations this year, we have missed seeing some of our friends from our group. Friday we visited one of the families, the Colon family. It was a great time of fellowship and the kids played outside (more PE). As we were traveling to visit friends, we listened to the story of Handel in the car (multi-tasking).
After visiting the Colon Family, we then visited my friend Karyn and her kids. Karyn's family is in the process of adopting two boys from China. I love Karyn's passion for adoption and kids in China. She is constantly posting pictures of kids on Facebook and God used Karyn to show us the need for host families this summer. I'm so thankful for each friendship that God has given over the years. It is fun to see how God uses different people in our lives at different times. Who knew that a friendship developed our first year of homeschooling at a co-op would be the friend that God used to lead us to host P-Man? God is so good!!
On our way home, we stopped by my friend Ali's house. It was fun to meet her precious new baby Pearl! The girls enjoyed holding a baby again.
Ali and I have been friends for over 13 years! We met when I was still working at Deloitte. I'm so thankful that God brought her into my life and that we've stayed in touch over the years.
Saturday mornings have turned into soccer mornings. Naomi, Sophia, and Micaela are playing soccer this year. This was our last week indoors. Hopefully our warmer weather persists next weekend. I don't look forward to sitting outside for two hours in the cold.
I think that all moms should start a petition to do away with time changes. Even before I was a mom I hated that time of year when we had to change our clocks. It really isn't good on any of us (increase of heart attacks, accidents, and work related incidents the days following time changes). How can we set up a petition to do away with these silly time changes?
Joining you from Kelly's Korner. Six girls!!! What a blessing. I'm happy your husband is beginning to get his life back after battling cancer. Have fun on your upcoming trip to Canada.