Harder Family

Harder Family

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Firsts and Memories: DJ's First Day at School

There have been many firsts this past week. The boy's first year home (Shan Chen's post will be coming in two days), the boys meeting my parents for the first time, Joella and Shan Chen's first soccer games, DJ's first day of school, and remembering this day two years ago. God has been so faithful, as you will read more about at the end.

Joella ran the whole time. I think after the first 10 minutes, she finally discovered that she needed to try to kick the ball.

Shan Chen scored two goals his first game!! He is so athletic. Thankfully we discovered his prosthetic leg wasn't fitting well. Wayne took him to Shirley Ability Lab on Friday morning so they could figure out what was wrong...just in time before his big game. Shan Chen was so excited to play. 

Today was DJ's first day at school. He was so excited, can you tell by that smile? We actually go to school a few minutes early because he kept bugging me to go. I cannot wait to pick him up and find out how his first day at school went.

DJ loves routine, so we sat down yesterday and came up with a schedule for him every day. We hope this helps him feel more settled. We have been learning so much about techniques that help kids with autism. This gives him a sense of security and comfort, so it was an easy fix.

Three years ago, Wayne and I went out on a special date. We had already learned that Wayne had a brain tumor and discovered that it was cancerous. Wayne was scheduled to have brain surgery to remove the tumor, at which time we discovered that he had GBM brain cancer. It is amazing to see how far God has carried us from this time three years ago. God is so good! 

I have been struggling the past few days with all the God has allowed to come our way, Wayne's cancer, DJ's diagnosis, and the fallout at home with kids trying to deal with both of those things. After going back and reading my blog, God reminded me of all that He has done for us over the last three years. I know that even on the hard days where I may have doubts, I know I can trust God and His plans for our lives.  

If you are struggling with what God has allowed in your life, I understand the battle...I really do! But I encourage you to take time to really study who God is. When you know how big of a God we serve, our "big" problems become small in comparison. God will take care of it and has a plan that we may never understand this side of heaven.

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