Harder Family

Harder Family

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Update 8/22/23: Can We Catch a Break?

 Psalm 22:11 “Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help.”

This morning, right as I was heading out the door for my much anticipated appointment with my obgyn oncologist/surgeon, my dad called and told me he was taking my mom to the hospital. They actually called an ambulance because my mom was having severe chest pain. She hates going to the doctor, so for her to request to go in, my dad took it seriously. Yesterday, she had hernia surgery. She was in a lot of pain all night and when the chest pain started, she knew she needed to be seen. They found that she was in A-Fib. She ended up spending the night so they can monitor and continue to evaluate her. They need to run some tests to see if the a fib caused any heart damage. A crazy way for the day to start for all of us!

It was amazing, once I arrived at the hospital, I found one open parking spot in front of the building I needed. From the moment I walked into the wing of the hospital, I was treated so kindly and was put at ease. I absolutely love my doctor, Hope Cottrill!! I told her my friend and many neighbors, who all happen to be in the medical field, said she was amazing. After meeting with her, I would concur with their recommendations.

I have been scheduled for surgery on 9/14. God worked all the details out for things that were weighing me down (Wayne’s appointments in Chicago on 9/8, starting chemo 9/9-9/13)…the timing of it all. God fit everything together perfectly. It’s going to be rough (travel to Chicago, Wayne’s chemo, and then surgery), but I know that God will give us the strength to persevere. 

My sister Sarah was amazing today. She took great notes for me while the doctor explained everything from the surgery to recovery. She said that they will do the hysterectomy and also use some dye to light up any lymph nodes that need to be removed to check them for cancer. 

She told me that I am a unique case since I don’t fit the usual patient (based on my age and physical shape). She said many times it is older women or younger women who are obese that usually fit the profile. I was glad I didn’t fit either category-a couple wins for the day! 

Because I don’t fit the typical profile, she mentioned that they will run some genetic tests to make sure there isn’t more going on. Depending on those tests, I may end up having a second surgery down the road to remove my ovaries, but for now her recommendation was to keep them because the risks in keeping them don’t measure up to the risk of taking them at my age. 

We won’t know if I will need any other treatment until after diagnostic tests are run after surgery. 

Now that we have a surgery date, it helps us have a time frame to prepare. After meeting with the doctor, I took Sophia shopping for clothes. She came with me today so that we could get her another allergy shot. Since her doctor is in Lexington, every time we head that way, she comes with me to maximize our trips. So far, she’s doing great with them and is feeling better. Our prayer is that these shots help her immensely with her severe outdoor allergies. Below is when she was tested. Pretty much she is super allergic to every tree and plant in KY!

We also made a quick stop into Trader Joe’s for a few necessities for me and my new eating lifestyle. I found this delicious vegan pesto that I turned into my dinner tonight (zucchini noodles, dried tomatoes from last years garden, and pesto). I don’t think my kids would have eaten this…it was too green!

After returning home for a quick lunch, I headed back out the door to take Wayne to his PT evaluation. We have a lot of work to do, especially since it is more of a neurological issue than even a strength issue. Chris at Resilience is the best! He already sent Wayne home with a few great exercises that I know will challenge Wayne, but also help him. 

We ended the day hanging out at the pool with friends and then watching a movie. After a long, crazy day, I was ready to enjoy a little down time.

My sisters are such a blessing. Between Sarah being there for me today at the appointment, and Rachel coming in for a couple days after surgery, I couldn’t do it without them. They have been there through Wayne’s surgeries as well. I love you both!!

Prayer Requests:

- Wayne: to gain back some strength and movement with his PT. We also have a lead on a possible speech pathologist. Please pray that it works out.

- My mom: wisdom for the doctors to know how best to help her and that her heart has no damage. Please also pray for my dad as he walks along side her through this. 

- Rebecca: peace while I wait for surgery and prepare to be out of commission for 6 weeks. Please pray that the cancer is only contained in my uterus so that I do not need any further treatment. 

- Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with all of the people we encounter through all of this.

- Please continue to pray for our kids!

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