Piano Man allowed our family to experience this parable at a whole new level. We purchased him a nerf gun and he had 11 nerf bullets. Some time during the day, we lost 2 bullets. After dinner, he counted them and realized that 2 were missing. He looked all over the house and found the one. For the next hour, he wouldn't do anything but look around for the missing bullet. I finally convinced him that it was time for bed, but you could tell that he was very distraught. I prayed that God would allow him to find the missing bullet since he was so upset about it.
First thing Friday morning, he went back to searching. I couldn't distract him at all...he was on a mission to find the missing bullet. He told me through Google translate, that he was very sad and kept saying in a sad tone, "Mama, number 11." When he finally found the missing bullet, his eyes lit up and he had a smile from ear to ear. We then sat down to eat breakfast and I read the above verses to the girls and explained how Piano Man's response must have been a lot like the shepherd who found his lost sheep and the woman who lost her coin. I was able to find a Chinese Bible on the internet and I played the same verses for Piano Man. His eyes lit up and he said, "Me!!" It was so touching to see that he got the connection.
After seeing his reaction to finding a bullet, it reminds me just how precious each soul is to God when a sinner is saved. It was a beautiful illustration and a very special moment in our house. Note to self: buy extra bullets to have on hand if #11 disappears again.
Thursday we visited a local park that we have been wanting to visit. It was a big hit with all of the kids. Because it was so warm out, we didn't stay as long as we normally would. Afterward, we went for Chick'Fil'A ice cream cones. Piano Man seemed to know what ice cream was and really enjoyed having it. Piano Man then went to Pearle Vision for an eye appointment. Thankfully they had his sense strength in, so we went to Costco while they made his glasses. We then pent the rest of the day hanging out around the house and watched Boonie Bears (a Chinese cartoon). Piano Man loved watching the show. One thing that I have noticed, and have enjoyed, is the pure joy expressed in his eyes, smile, laugh, and face over every new experience (swinging, swimming, etc). It makes me want to be a kid all over again.
Piano Man knows how to make my heart stop at times. He's not afraid to do or try anything (which is wonderful). Don't ever tell me that people with special limbs aren't as capable as anyone else! Piano Man rocks his special leg.
He thought it would be fun to "drink" his ice cream.
We caught a caterpillar and he took it home with us.
At Pearle Vision for our eye appointment.
Shopping at Costco!!
New glasses (in blue, his favorite color)
Piano Man enjoying watching Boonie Bears.
Friday we went blueberry picking in Indiana. We tried to get out early because we were under a heat warning. We didn't stay long, but Piano Man and the heat didn't mix well together. We went home drank a lot of fluids, ate lunch, and then went to our neighbor's pool (which was a huge hit). We ended the night with our Friday Family night...pizza, ice cream, and a movie. It was fun making memories and I loved it when Piano Man decided to grab his blanket and join the cuddle fest on the couch.
Cooling off in the pool!! Piano Man did great in the pool and giggled almost the entire time.
Piano Man enjoying "American" food...pizza and root beer.
Look at all these crazy kids!!
Monday afternoon we have a doctor appointment. Please pray that the doctor is able to answer to health questions about Piano Man. We also have an appointment with a prosthetic doctor to check out his special leg. Please pray that they are able to help Piano Man out while he is still here.
Sounds like you are having fun with this special boy.