Harder Family

Harder Family

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lamenting at the Feet of Jesus

 Psalm 130:1-2 “Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord! O Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy!”

A few weeks ago, Abigail sent me this amazing article about lamenting and how it is different from crying. You see lamenting involves turning to God, bringing your complaint, boldly asking for help, and then fully trusting God no matter the outcome. Last night, I felt like I was at a breaking point. I decided to skip church after feeling the Holy Spirit calling me to just spend some quiet time with Him pouring out my heart so He could minister to me. And that is what I did. I wrote out a lament to God and allowed myself to fully feel all these huge emotions that have been building inside of me. I experienced such a mix of emotions: sadness mingled with joy, brokenness mingled with hope. That time alone with God was unlike anything else I have experienced in a long time. My Abba Father met me there on my knees and He ministered to my heart. When I was done crying and lamenting, I spent the next thirty minutes worshiping the One who met me at my lowest and lifted my head. Maybe one day I will share my lament here. The lamenting of David in the Psalms have reached me in a new way. I feel like the cries of his heart mimic my own cries. 

Update on Wayne: Yesterday, we met with the post op team. We were hoping for some answers, but all we really accomplished was getting Wayne’s staples removed. Every other question we asked was either an unknown, since the detailed tumor report isn’t back, or we were told to ask our oncologist on Friday. So, we patiently wait for our appointment tomorrow with the oncologist. If they don’t have the full report, I don’t know if we can find out all of our options. Once again, it’s a time of waiting and patience.

We did use the time before the appointment to meet up with an old friend, Lori. It was wonderful to see her and catch up. 

Please pray for us tomorrow as we meet the oncologist. Will you pray with us that somehow that report comes in today before our appointment tomorrow? If no, we will trust God’s timing. Thank you for boldly going before God’s throne on our behalf. You will never know how much it means to us! **Update: 5:17pm - we got news that the report is in! We were able to forward it on to Cleveland Clinic so they can start working on options for us there as well.**

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