2 Corinthians 4:16-18 “Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Some days, it is difficult to not lose heart and be discouraged by the hardships that come with cancer. This is where faith and trust really come to play. I know God has Wayne in His hands, but it is hard to see someone you love struggle so much.
As we expected, the chemo is kicking Wayne’s butt. Even though his last dose was Thursday night, he hardly has any strength or energy today. I told him to just allow his body to rest and not to worry about getting up and doing things. When Wayne complies, I know he isn’t feeling well.
Thankfully, he is now off chemo until 8/12 when he will start another 5 days of chemo. He knows, at least based on his experience last time, that in a few days he should start feeling a little stronger.
Meanwhile, the kids are hanging in there through all of this. Some days are harder than others for them as well.
Grace is adjusting to life back at camp in Michigan. They are working on training for their time on the road as well as serving families at camp.
Abigail and Naomi are currently in St. Louis with Inheritance of Hope serving families with terminal parents. I love seeing my kids serve Jesus and loving others in the midst of their own struggles with their dad. They were able to visit the Arch before checking in for the retreat. They texted me that I raised them right (or maybe brain washed them), because they did a ranger badge on their own and went to the museum to learn more about the arch.
Shan is enjoying working at Arbys and attending CAP. Sophia is staying busy as well with CAP and finding ways to stay busy until school starts. She’s looking forward to applying for jobs this fall.
We are working hard on getting everything lined up for school this next year. How is it almost school again?
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