Harder Family

Harder Family

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Update 10/25/23: Turning a Corner

2 Corinthians 4:16-17 “Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

Thank you for all of the prayers. I woke up feeling better than I have the past few days. I still have some random aches and pains, as well as nausea, but I feel almost normal today with medicine. I felt well enough to take a drive to the wig shop to be proactive about this hair loss. 

It was a little frustrating that they didn’t carry curly hair like mine. It was either over the top, or African American hair. Not sure I could pull that off! We opted instead to go back to my pre-grey hair and just go with straight hair. I have straightened my hair a few times in the past. My kids are going to have a hard time adjusting to my new look since they only have seen me with curly hair. If I can find a way to get rid of some wrinkles and age spots, it’s like I’m going back in time about 15 years. Trying to find the light in every situation.

Before I show you the wigs, I just have to testify to the goodness of God. Yesterday, we were surprised by a charity with a donation to our family for bills or whatever we may need assistance with. Do you know that the wig I fell in love with was that exact amount? Only God would be able to provide exactly what we needed, before we even knew we needed it. 

This one looked good from the back, but the front was a little too much! Plus it was synthetic and I wouldn’t be able to do much to keep it nice looking.

There were many that were a huge NO! The one below is what we settled with at the end. It actually looks a lot like my hair did in 2007! It matches my eyebrow color since it’s my natural color. This one was nice too because it’s actual hair, so I can wash it, style it, dye it, pretty much whatever I’d do with my own hair.

Rebecca in 2007

Grace had to try it on! Tomorrow I will let Grace trim my hair and have fun with what is left. When Naomi returns from her college visit, we will shave the rest off since I’m shedding like a dog! 

Meanwhile, Joella opted to hang out with her friend today at her barn day. I don’t blame Joella for wanting to do something fun and escape this hard stuff. I’d much rather have her do school with friends and get some pet therapy, than her struggle to watch me try on wigs because I’m losing my hair. 

We are trying to keep up with school and so far we are doing okay. I’m thankful for those who have come around us and helped us out. Micaela met with her friends today to work on her Challenge A materials. We have managed to squeeze in some science experiments and we bought the supplies for Micaela’s science fair project. Again, trying to have fun and make memories in the middle of the hard.

Prayer Requests:

- That my side effects continue to subside.

- Safety for Naomi as she travels to Indiana to visit Grace Bible College.

- Safety for Grace as she travels Friday to Ohio. She will be joining her team to serve three more churches before she comes home for the holidays. 

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