Harder Family

Harder Family

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Update 11/14/23: Broken

Psalm 147:2-6 “He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and assigns each a name. Our Lord is great, with limitless strength; we’ll never comprehend what He knows and does. God puts the fallen on their feet again.”

Well, the punches keep coming. This morning, around 2am, I was awoken out of a dead sleep. Wayne, who was doing all the things I’ve requested to keep him safe from a fall, still managed to fall off the bed. He was in a lot of pain, so we called an ambulance and the EMTs helped get him back into bed. They told us that they could take us to the ER, but all they would do is take an X-ray and send us to an orthopedic. The EMTs were so sweet, they informed us that any time Wayne needs a lift assist or even help getting into a vehicle for an appointment, they are just a phone call away. 

Wayne decided to skip the ER and just go to the local orthopedic drop in clinic at 7, which is where we are right now. The doctor just informed us that he has a broken ankle. We were offered surgery if Wayne was concerned about foot stability in the future. Given the news from the other day, Wayne has decided to just get a cast, which the doctor says most people choose.

Sophia was great this morning. She was doing an assessment of Wayne when the EMTs arrived. She sounded so professional when asking Wayne questions and permission to touch and move his leg around. I’m so thankful for her medic class she took at Hawk Mountain.

Additional Prayer Requests:

- Wayne: for the pain he is in with his broken ankle and that it would quickly heal. Wisdom to know how to handle transfers to and from the wheelchair. 

- For me as I juggle recovery from chemo and being Wayne’s caregiver. I am so thankful that God has allowed my side effects this time around to be less severe. It is truly a blessing with all that has transpired the past few days. 


  1. Praying with and for you from afar, but near in heart! <3 Miss you guys and SO wish I could come over and serve you <3 Sending you SO much love. May God continue to draw you near and provide your needs. May you find comfort in Him.
