Harder Family

Harder Family

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Morning Call

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!!"

This is a day to rejoice! My morning started off with a 6:30 call from Wayne. He spoke very clearly and told me that we needed to be at RIC by 9:00am. He said it "works better for the schedule". He received his therapy schedule and he noticed that he had therapy all afternoon, which was when we were planning on visiting him. I quickly got the girls ready, picked up donuts and headed downtown. The drive to Chicago is becoming all too familiar. We made it downtown by 8:30 so we were able to see the last 15 minutes of his OT therapy. He was working on playing Connect Four and then he had to place big clips on a bar (see picture below). He is doing so well. I haven't seen him since Monday afternoon and just in that short time, I've seen amazing improvement. He was struggling on Monday to get his hand to open and close when he picked up Jenga blocks, but today he was moving quite quickly as he placed the pins on the bar. I asked him if he noticed a difference and he said he did. He is speaking more and more and his limbs are getting stronger. Grace asked Wayne how he was doing walking and running. Wayne told her that for walking he feels like he is at 90% of what he was before surgery and running would be about 80%!! I am just amazed at him, and more importantly how amazing the human body was created. The more we learn about how intricately everything is designed in the body, I don't know how anyone can deny a Creator. God is so amazing and you can see the care that He took in everything He created, from man to snowflakes. Psalm 139:13-14a "For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." So thankful to serve a God who not only knit me together, my Creator-Elohim, but cares intimately for me! What comfort that brings when the trials come...He is always there and will never leave me.

Wayne's social worker told me today that as long as everything goes as planned, he should be release on Friday (3/27). The girls can't wait to have Wayne home. A few of them were crying today when we got home because they miss him. I wish I could take them every day to see him, but it is really hard. We plan on taking another family trip on Sunday afternoon after church. We managed to play another round of Aggravation as a family today. Wayne also gave the girls a "tour" of his room. Joella seemed a little confused that he was calling it his room. We told her it was just a temporary room until he could come home to his real room.

Wayne working hard at OT

Cuddling with her dad

They caught me taking pictures and smiled

Sitting with Wayne

Being silly

Having fun


Being a big "helper". She thought she was pushing, but Wayne uses his feet to "walk". Regardless, this moment was adorable and I had to snap a quick picture.


  1. PTL. Onto hong to lift him up...and you and the children...blessings

  2. Oops auto correct made up new words. Continuing to lift him up

  3. Loving all the photos. Wayne looks like he is getting so much better. His smile with you and the girls is awesome!!! Praying hard and rejoicing in God's healing of Wayne.

  4. I've been catching up on your posts. God is doing great things!!! Thank you for posting all the pics. You will look back on this and be amazed at what God gave you the strength to do. God is good! Praying for Wayne and his continued recovery! Praying for you as you hold down the fort and for your sweet girls!
