Psalm 43:5 “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God.”
Today was a hard day since I had to leave three of my kids behind again in Kentucky. It’s hard when your teenagers ask if you really have to leave again. My heart tore in two at the thought of them there and some of us up in Chicago. I am ready to be done with all of this, and yet I know a lot of it is just beginning. I think it would feel a little less daunting if we were all together.
I tried to make the most of the days home. I got some projects done around the house, but my main priority was making memories with the kids and self care. I think we squeezed a lot of fun into the few days home. We made it to the movies, played miniature golf, went out to eat, May 4th breakfast for my Star Wars fans, had a bonfire, went swimming (not me..the water was too cold), played badminton, and got ice cream. Lots of bantering and laughter, which made my heart happy! I miss my older kids! ❤️
On the Wayne front, he is working hard at PT to try to get strength back. He is making a little progress each day. He has a long way to go, but we are in a much better position with the steroids then this time last week! I know last time I posted I discussed how we were moving forward with radiation and chemo. We now have a second option that we are leaning more towards at Cleveland Clinic. I have to wait until Monday to find out if we have an appointment. In the meantime, we will proceed getting everything lined up for the other treatment in case the Cleveland one falls through. I will update everyone as we learn more. I have had to learn how to be super flexible and patient!
May is brain cancer awareness month. We have always made a point of bringing awareness, but now it seems even more important. Did you know that only 6.8% of Glioblastoma brain cancer patients make it to 5 years? That means Wayne is a rare exception for this cancer. The fact that he made it 8 years is a miracle. Around 13,000 people are diagnosed each year with GBM and about 10,000 die each year from this cancer. Here is a video that was created about some of the people who have had or still have GBM. Wayne is in the video at 3:20
Please pray for clear direction and just for all the moving pieces that have to take place. I’m trying to figure out timing of appointments and where I need to be certain days. Sometimes it is very overwhelming! I have to be in KY on the 18th because all three of our CAP kids are promoting. Sophia is promoting to an officer, which is a huge deal. I want to be there to pin her and see her accomplish one of her life goals. As you can see, some days are daunting as I navigate all these different aspects of life.
Thank you for continuing to pray for our family!!
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