Harder Family

Harder Family

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Update 5/18/23: Home!

 Proverbs 24:3-4 "By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures."

It has been so nice to be home! There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed and getting to putt around your own house getting things done. As the verse says, I feel like my house is filled with beautiful treasures...my children. I have missed being with all of them. It has also been nice to visit with my parents and see friends from church. God has been so good to us through all of this. Even though I miss our church family here in KY, we have been so blessed to be back in Chicago with our old church family. I think that is what makes all of this so weird sometimes. I feel at home in Chicago and at home in KY, and right now I'm torn between the two.

On Tuesday, Wayne flew home to come visit the kids. His therapists said he needed a break from therapy to allow his body to rest. Since he didn't have therapy, he flew out the day after his radiology appointment. He has not been home in over five weeks and has not seen Sophia, Shan, and Naomi since we left after the Easter service. It has been wonderful to be all together as a family. Tomorrow, Abigail will join the chaos we call home. She finished her junior year at Liberty and is in Virginia right now for a friend's wedding. 

While I have been busy planting my garden, the kids have been enjoying the pool and their friends. We have been making memories as a family, like going to the movies. We did split up and half went to see the Mario movie and the rest went to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3. We are trying to be intentional and make as many memories as we can this week. So, if anyone has any good ideas that aren't too physical, I'd love to hear them.

I have continued to try to use my time in KY to prepare myself for the next three grueling weeks. As I was telling the ladies at prayer group last night, I am weary in many ways. It takes everything to not allow fear to grip my heart and put a smile on my face. I'm not trying to be fake, but sometimes it is just easier to smile then try to explain all the deep feelings and thoughts going on. This week, I have been going to the gym and trying to eat better. I know I must take care of myself as well. I had another amazing massage today, which allows me to let go of so much stress I build up in my shoulders. If you live in Winchester, visit Peggy at Core. She is my go-to lady the past month every time I come to town. Yesterday, I finished a project that I have been working on as part of my self-care. The kids and I have decided this is a fun project we all enjoy doing...diamond art!

Recently, Sophia was able to attend the Civil Air Patrol ball with her friends. I am so thankful for events such as these that keep my kids busy and preoccupied. We cannot wait to see her be promoted tonight. I'll post tomorrow with all of those pictures and another update.

Wayne is doing well, but he is still struggling. He is trying to prepare himself for the next three weeks, which he knows will be difficult. The radiation and chemo will zap his energy and we are just praying that it does the job to kill the tumor that is rapidly growing. We are also praying that the potential side effects will be zero. 

Thank you Sharon for giving Bo a much needed hair cut!❤️
Thank you for your continued prayers! We love each one of you.

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