Isaiah 12:2 "God is indeed my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid."
Today was day 3 of treatment for Wayne. Every Monday-Friday, except Memorial Day, we travel downtown Chicago for Wayne's radiation. Yesterday, we decided that I would drive around after dropping Wayne off at radiation, since he is there for under 10 minutes. Unfortunately, yesterday ended up taking 45 minutes. So today, we decided to pay and park like normal. I dropped him off and entered the parking garage and found a place to park. By the time I got down to the radiation floor, Wayne was walking out of the room all done. We are going to try this routine a few times next week and see which one is the better option...driving around for 30-45 minutes in traffic or paying $13 for parking.
We are slowly starting to see more side effects from treatment. Wayne’s brain felt fuzzy and cloudy after radiation today and his body strength fluctuates. People have been asking about Wayne’s treatments and his days look like, so I thought I’d share a glimpse of a day.
* Around 7am, Wayne gets up and has breakfast with his morning pills. He takes a mixture of anti-seizure pills, vitamins, and supplements (like Longevity which has frankincense).
* We rub frankincense on Wayne’s scalp where his tumor is located.
* Depending on the time of radiation, he tries to take time to work on PT, since he is on a two week break from therapy. We have a call tomorrow with Shirley Ryan to decide if he's going back while we are here in Chicago or whether he will resume therapy in KY when we go home.
* For snack, I make Wayne a budwig diet smoothie (1/2 cup organic cottage cheese emulsified with 1/4 cup organic cold pressed flax seed oil-we add some fruit afterwards to help with the taste). We did this smoothie 8 years ago and I have no clue if it really does anything, but supposedly some doctor found the chemical reaction between the two ingredients is supposed to help, she we figure it doesn't hurt to try it again.
* We head downtown for radiation after his snack. (I snapped this picture yesterday when we were stopped at a light and I noticed that Buckingham Fountain is back on).
* Wayne eats lunch and then may lay down afterward depending on how he is feeling after radiation.
* The afternoon is low-key. Wayne may read, work on his computer, take a walk, talk with friends, etc.
* Wayne eats dinner, watches a little tv, and takes his evening pills (the second dose of his seizure medicine and boswellia for swelling).
* Around 9pm, he takes an anti-nausea pill.
* Around 10pm, right before bed, he takes his chemo and some RSO oil to help with his symptoms while we are here in IL. They have found that this helps patients with chemo side effects, including helping decrease swelling. We are trying anything to prevent Wayne from having to take more steroids or take other medicine like Avastin.
* That about sums up our days. The weekends will look different because he has a break from radiation on the weekends. We will try to use that time for his to recuperate before another long week of treatment.
Wayne continues to have some funny expressions. Last night we were talking to the kids about Tina Turner’s death. They didn’t know who she was, so we were trying to find a picture to show them. I found a picture and showed them who she was. I told the kids that she’s a singer who is known for her hair (at least that’s what I recall when I’ve seen her sing). Wayne said, “It’s not her hair, but her legs that I remember.” Micaela was perplexed and asked why. He replied, “Because they were really long and went up to…(pause)…her butt.” The whole room erupted in laughing.
When I texted Naomi the quote, she asked who Tina Turner was too. Our friend Jason said, “According to Wayne, just have her Google legs.” Which caused us to laugh even more. When Naomi finally saw a picture of Tina she sarcastically said, “Wow, her legs do go all the way up to her butt. That’s impressive. God was really creative with her…you never see that.” 😂😂😂 These are the moments that keep us going through the hard, so bear with our silly stories.
The kids visited some friends at their farm yesterday. This was the only picture Sophia managed to take. 🤷🏼♀️
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